Miracle Morning Day 5


The last few days trying to get back to this have been a struggle. I listen to oodles of YouTube footage about miracle mornings, law of attraction and powerful affirmations

I know I have become less active preferring the couch to moving around, and loading my body with nice things to eat that are starting to take up residence around my middle.

Last week one of my colleagues at work got the all ok signal after having discovered a breast lump. In the 5 days of waiting fora mammogram I asked her if I that time she had evaluated her life

It’s not a surprise to hear she did and had taken positive steps towards that change

  • she had booked a holiday for he rand her family 
  • She was going to continue with her weight loss programme where she is eating no more than 800 calories a day for 8 weeks

This has encouraged me back to this one hour a day. I had to say though yoga was not on the cards for me today so I loaded a 15 minute walking fitness vlog . I have also taken on the 5×50 challenge which starts on Sunday. 

I have already walked a mile this morningšŸ˜ƒ


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